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Don’t throw Stones Yet

First and foremost, let it be known that prior to any instance where I find myself in a state of bewilderment or perplexity, my cherished book could potentially face the disheartening fate of being reduced to ashes, or I might be confronted with the disconcerting sight of a cross set ablaze in the vicinity of my own front yard. It is imperative to elucidate that I am a devout adherent of the Christian faith, a creed from which I derive immense solace and guidance. I remain steadfast in my commitment to upholding the principles of my faith and, in doing so, I harbor no inclination to castigate or denigrate the teachings of Jesus or any other revered figure. I am a Born-Again Christian who Claims Jesus as my Savior.


I would like to take this moment to expound upon the motivation behind the creation of this written work, which is intended to serve as an elucidative guide for those individuals who seek a deeper comprehension of the intricate dynamics of energy, and how it operates within the universe. The overarching objective is to empower individuals with the knowledge necessary to harness the elements provided by our planet Earth, thereby enabling them to enhance their overall well-being, unlock financial success, nurture healthier relationships, bask in the warmth of happiness, and ultimately discover a profound sense of fulfillment within the tapestry of their lives.

If you were to inquire about my personal belief system, it is my earnest conviction that there exists a multitude of names and designations for the divine and omnipotent force that underlies the universe. It is referred to by various monikers such as God, Source, Universal Energy, El Shaddai, Jehovah Shalom, Elohim, Yahweh, El Elyon, Adonai, El Olam, El Roi, Everlasting Father, Savior, Emmanuel, King of Kings, Tetragram Maton, Holy One, Abba, Lord, Master, Alpha and Omega, Christos, El Chay, El Deah, El Chuwl, and the list, though not exhaustive, continues. However, the essence of my conviction lies in the belief that we are not as disparate as we may initially perceive, for at the core of our diverse spiritual beliefs lies a shared recognition of a Higher Power, a transcendent and collective energy that surpasses the boundaries of individuality. 


This unifying force of energy which we shall refer to as X.  X being all energy in all dimensions of all times.  X never increases or decreases it always has been and quantifiably will always be the same amount of energy.  It only moves around morphing into new beings, and structures, and depending on how well we learn to work in cooperation with X is how we learn to manifest.  By learning how energy moves we can achieve all the things we desire.  Health, wealth, relationships, homes.  If you can think it you really have it but the practice of the alchemy of it all is not as easy or straightforward as just meditating on something for 30 minutes every morning.  This book is the start of you learning how to manifest and will give you at least a basic understanding of what God himself put on this Earth for us to use if we only know how.  The series of books and online courses are available when you’re ready to go down the rabbit hole and truly master your abilities.  See you on the inside!


A Christian Witch- autographed copy


    BELIEVE LYLYIANNE LLC.  448-201-2200

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